Qi Gong is an ancient and contemporary Chinese healing art. It originated from old rituals such as Shamanic dances and spontaneous contemplation. Qi Gong exercices over time have become a broad diversity of fixed routines, according to different communities and purposes: Traditional Chinese Medicine, Taoist or Buddhist exercises, Martial Arts training, Popular hygienic movements, etc.
Like Yoga or Meditation, the purpose of Qi Gong is to regulate and unify awareness, breathing and physical form (三调:调心、调息、调形). Qi Gong can be divided in three types of practice : dynamic practice (动功 Dong Gong or 导引 Dao Yin), static practice (静功 Jing Gong Meditation, 站桩 Zhan Zhuang Standing Post), and spontaneous practice (自发功 Zi Fa Gong) which is a combination of static and dynamic practice.
We are working at the Shanghai Qigong Research Institute of the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and with the Chinese culture center in Paris, Les Temps du Corps. We train the thee regulations through a variety of methods and routines:
Dynamic practices (Dao Yin 导引): Ba Duan Jin 八段锦, Liu Zi Jue 六字诀, Liu He Gong 六合功, Wu Qin Xi 五禽戏, Hui Chun Gong 回春功, Zhi Neng Qi Gong 智能气功, etc; Static practices: Zhan Zhuang of the Five Elements 五行站桩, sitting meditation 静坐, Three Lines Relaxation Method 三线放松功, etc.; and also Spontaneous practice through meditation and dance.
Qi Gong is an ancient and contemporary Chinese healing art. It originated from old rituals such as Shamanic dances and spontaneous contemplation. Qi Gong exercices over time have become a broad diversity of fixed routines, according to different communities and purposes: Traditional Chinese Medicine, Taoist or Buddhist exercises, Martial Arts training, Popular hygienic movements, etc.
Like Yoga or Meditation, the purpose of Qi Gong is to regulate and unify awareness, breathing and physical form (三调:调心、调息、调形). Qi Gong can be divided in three types of practice : dynamic practice (动功 Dong Gong or 导引 Dao Yin), static practice (静功 Jing Gong Meditation, 站桩 Zhan Zhuang Standing Post), and spontaneous practice (自发功 Zi Fa Gong) which is a combination of static and dynamic practice.
We are working at the Shanghai Qigong Research Institute of the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and with the Chinese culture center in Paris, Les Temps du Corps. We train the thee regulations through a variety of methods and routines:
Dynamic practices (Dao Yin 导引): Ba Duan Jin 八段锦, Liu Zi Jue 六字诀, Liu He Gong 六合功, Wu Qin Xi 五禽戏, Hui Chun Gong 回春功, Zhi Neng Qi Gong 智能气功, etc; Static practices: Zhan Zhuang of the Five Elements 五行站桩, sitting meditation 静坐, Three Lines Relaxation Method 三线放松功, etc.; and also Spontaneous practice through meditation and dance.