Hybrid - 2016
"Hybrid" explores transformation by blending. The piece itself is a hybrid of dance and
film storytelling, held together by the backbone of an original music soundtrack. The
story is a journey of personal transformation occurring simultaneously in different places
of time and space, and in different bodies. The action takes place on a pathway, moving
back and forth towards the center, towards an ever-changing point of balance, towards a renewed identity.
Dance 舞者: Marceau Chenault马素, Estel Vilar委映星, Steph D’Sibo代芬
Music 配乐: Çaglar Korun 查拉, Rui Li李瑞
Film 影片: Adrian Tyus 艾德里安 泰勒斯
"Hybrid" explores transformation by blending. The piece itself is a hybrid of dance and
film storytelling, held together by the backbone of an original music soundtrack. The
story is a journey of personal transformation occurring simultaneously in different places
of time and space, and in different bodies. The action takes place on a pathway, moving
back and forth towards the center, towards an ever-changing point of balance, towards a renewed identity.
Dance 舞者: Marceau Chenault马素, Estel Vilar委映星, Steph D’Sibo代芬
Music 配乐: Çaglar Korun 查拉, Rui Li李瑞
Film 影片: Adrian Tyus 艾德里安 泰勒斯